West Hendon Playing Fields Design Contest

Designing a transformational greenspace for the local community

Entry requirements

Entrants should consist of a multi-disciplinary team containing all of the disciplines required to deliver the brief. The full team does not need to be fully identified at Stage 1, but the companies providing the key disciplines should be named. Teams will need to be fully defined at Stage 2 of the contest.

To enter the West Hendon Playing Fields Contest, entrants are required to submit their entries electronically at the submission portal. Please refer to the Instructions document at the portal for details of how to submit an entry.

Entries submitted after the closing time and date will not be considered. Entrants are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the submission portal and ensure that they allocate sufficient time for the upload process to complete prior to the closing time.

Stage 1 

The Stage 1 submission will consist of the following:

  • A completed Selection Questionnaire. Entrants shall complete and submit the Selection Questionnaire online
  • A Design Statement. The Design Statement shall be a maximum of six sides of A4. Arial 11pt text to be used. To be submitted as a PDF no larger than 100MB
  • Up to two A3 drawings which describe and illustrate the proposal. Drawings shall consist of up to two A3 sheets to be submitted as PDFs no larger than 100MB
  • Collusive Tendering Certificate
  • Contest/Tender Declaration

The sheets can be presented landscape or portrait.

All submitted material must include:

  • Name of entrant or team
  • Name of entry

Stage 2

The Stage 2 submission will consist of the following:

  • Developed designs of the stage 1 entry including the Community Sports Hub. Provide up to four A3 sheets consisting of plans, sketches and text to describe the scheme. At least one full sheet should focus on the building proposals
  • A fee proposal for developing the scheme. Fees should be presented in the Pricing Schedule
  • A Design Statement. Describe the rationale behind the development of the Stage One scheme. Explain how the project themes and objectives have been further explored and developed
  • A detailed Method Statement


Competition open

19th July 2022

Deadline for Stage 1 Submission


Shortlisted entrants notified

Unsuccessful entries notified

Stage 2 Contest documentation published to shortlist

Deadline for Stage 2 Submission


Winner announced

12 noon 7th September 2022

7th - 12th September 2022

Week of 12th - 16th September 2022

Week of 12th - 16th September 2022

19th September 2022

12 noon 13th October 2022

14 October - 21 October 2022

Week of 31st October - 6th November 2022