About the competition

Landscape Institute

The competition is managed by the Landscape Institute (LI), the UK professional body for landscape professionals, with the help and support of our partners.

The Landscape Institute (LI) is the chartered body for the landscape profession. It is an educational charity that promotes the art and science of landscape practice. The LI provides a professional home for all landscape practitioners including landscape scientists, landscape planners, landscape architects, landscape managers and urban designers. The Landscape Institute supports their members through advocacy programmes, events and numerous networking activities, many of which are organised through their branches across the UK. 

Contact the LI if you’d like to discuss a competition idea for your sector.

St. Cuthbert’s Garden Village Carlisle

St. Cuthbert’s Garden Village Carlisle

St Cuthbert’s secured Garden Village status in January 2017 and is the largest of the Garden Villages in the north. Led by Carlisle City Council, the garden village team has worked extensively with local communities, key stakeholders and the extensive range of private landowners for over three years to develop the proposals. St Cuthbert’s will meet the need for sustainable housing growth over the next 30 years, making Carlisle the place of choice for those wishing to feel the benefits of living in the countryside with the convenience, connectivity and opportunities of a major city. The garden village ‘Starts with the Park’ where the delivery and long term stewardship of the green and blue infrastructure will encourage a new healthier way of living, enhancing the health and well-being of both future residents of St Cuthbert’s and the existing population of Carlisle.

Visit the St. Cuthbert's Website

Carlisle City Council

Carlisle City Council

Carlisle City Council aims to improve the health, wellbeing and economic prosperity of the people of Carlisle. They want to ensure that Carlisle grows in a way that creates quality homes and is properly planned across the coming decades. Therefore, the ambition is that St Cuthbert’s will be a very high-quality new settlement, delivering a significant number of new homes and job opportunities, all within a superb landscape and environment that will transform Carlisle.

Visit the Carlisle City Council Website

Visit the Carlisle City Council Twitter

Towns Fund – Town Deals

Towns Fund - Town Deals

On 27 July 2019, the Prime Minister announced that the Towns Fund would support an initial 101 places across England to develop Town Deal proposals, to drive economic regeneration and deliver long-term economic and productivity growth. A Town Deal is an agreement in principle between government, the Lead Council and the Town Deal Board. It will set out a vision and strategy for the town, and what each party agrees to do to achieve this vision. Carlisle projects will benefit from £19.7 million government funding, as part of the city’s Town Deal Investment Plan. This offer has now been agreed by the Town Deal Board, and will fund several projects including: Start with the Park, St Cuthbert’s Garden Village: Providing new and improved walking and cycling routes connecting the key settlements of the Garden Village with Carlisle City Centre.

Visit the Towns Fund - Town Deals Website

United Utilities

United Utilities

United Utilities is responsible for water and wastewater services in the North West of England, and as part of this service, delivers 1.8 billion litres of water to more than 3 million homes and businesses. Their purpose is to provide great water and more for the North West; driving them to deliver their services in an environmentally-sustainable, economically beneficial and socially responsible manner. Providing more means creating value for our stakeholders and understanding what matters to them through strong and constructive relationships.

Visit the United Utilities website

Katie Hammond CMLI, Landscape Consultant for the Competition

Katie Hammond CMLI, Landscape Consultant for the Competition

Katie is a private practitioner running her own landscape consultancy business working alongside renowned landscape practices on individual project commissions. She helped lead Gillespies’ Manchester design team for 10 years and has continued to collaborate with them and others on some of the UK’s most significant public realm projects including Rochdale Town Hall Square, Belfast City Quays Gardens, St Cuthbert’s Garden Village, Leicester Waterside and Trafford Waters. Katie is a RIBA/Places Matter! Design Review Panel Member and on the Government’s High Streets Task Force. Katie is the author of the original Places Matter! NWDA ‘Creating Inspirational Spaces’ guide to good public realm design.